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By Ota Weinberger

It offers me nice excitement to provide this foreword to the current paintings of my well-known good friend and revered colleague Ota Weinberger. except the essays of his that have been released in our joint paintings An Institutional idea of legislation: New techniques to felony Positivism in 1986, really little of Wein­ berger's paintings comes in English. this is often the extra to be regretted, because his is figure of specific curiosity to jurists of the English-speaking global either in view of its origins and in appreciate of its content material As to its origins, Weinberger warfare reared as a pupil of the natural conception of legislation, a thought which in its Kelsenian shape has aroused very nice curiosity and has had massive impression between anglophoone students -perhaps much more than within the Germanic nations. much less renowned is the truth that the natural idea itself divided into colleges, that of Vienna and that of Brno. It used to be within the Brno institution of Frantisek Weyr that Weinberger's criminal conception discovered its early formation, and maybe from that early impact you may hint his carrying on with insistence at the twin personality of felony norms -both as surely normative and but while having genuine social existence.

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Law, Institution and Legal Politics: Fundamental Problems of Legal Theory and Social Philosophy (Law and Philosophy Library) by Ota Weinberger

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